My Hodgy Podgy Self (Part1)

Yesterday during  one of my so-called idle FB moments, I took a personality quiz similar to the one posted by a friend.  It was quite amusing to know what the result told me about myself. Dig this, it says, I am the pleasant kind of person who exudes an aura that makes another person happy. Sheesh. This is not to say that all those crazy quizzes and stuff  are always true, but, yeah, that is partly correct (**wink**blush**)

I’d always  think that I am a positive person and easy to please and get along with, but the thought led me to think about the other things people may not know about me.

In Facebook, prolly all they could see is my outgoing self, just looking at my pictures with friends, family and the ones taken during my travels and stuff.  Some may think, too, that I am just wasting time away playing Mafia Wars forever. LOL. Hmm, could be.

Here are some bits and pieces of myself:

1. SEO Person/ Website Content Writer – This is the main reason I go online most hours in the morning and in my evening. I sit infront of my PC at home posting blogs, links, press releases, editing and other SEO related tasks for work.  ( Believe me, this may sound posh but during hectic days, like month-end, it can also be nerve wracking, boring, eye-popping and shitty but pays… well…good enough to satisfy some wants and needs). This job doesn’t require me to shop for clothes and shoes for work and I save transportation expense. My overhead however  are electricity, PC maintenance and monthly internet subscription.

2. (Stage!)Mother of 3 active, adorable,smart [and sometimes annoying] kids… – Just imagine me, infront of the PC while all these creatures  hugging and kissing me. On some days, they piss me off when they endlessly bug me and when they argue over PC games or just plainly outsmarting each other with their antics leading one of them to cry, etc. So, just think of the stress a mother like me can have but more importantly, savor the fact that I can be with them and see them while I’m at work.  It is so easy to forget about all the worries even just for awhile and just jump on the bed and  hug them ( yes, they love hugs!). I thank God, my children are sweet. They say, “I love you” all the time, too.

But of course, my kids are smart and critical to tell me sometimes that I am so engrossed at work that I don’t hear what they had to say, that I just nod but never really listened. Ughh, that’s the downside. Yes, I’m not perfect but trying to be better.

3. Sales Person – I  have always been the business-minded kind of person. I started my marketing career in 2nd grade, no one really taught me how, I remember buying 10 pcs of candies that came with a toy from a neighborhood store and started selling them to my classmates. The rest is as they say, history. 27 years later, it’s make-up, colognes, concert tickets, clothing, health and wellness, underwear  or just about anything. Hey, do you need something???  😀

I’ll do part 2 very soon, my client is about to kill me..Toodles 😉

The Making of A Ninja Dragon

Have you ever wished to be someone you are not?

Have you ever found yourself  dreaming to be the character that is far beyond what you ever imagined to be?

You watch way too many movies, you might quickly say.

For starters, I wished to be as effortlessly beautiful as my cousin’s Barbie Doll when I was 10. ( My cousin’s because I never owned one, geez,  ’twas so expensive back then!)  Barbie was the so-called eptiome of a perfect woman  with her long and semi-curly blond locks, shapely legs, evenly toned skin, pretty chiseled nose and curvaceously slim body that would allow her to wear fancy and fashionable wardrobe.

Well, today, this infamous doll could still probably be something that every little girl wishes to look like when she grows up, but at least , more and more individuals have opened their eyes and become wise enough  to know that not all are blessed with such great bod~~ some plump, some too thin, short, tall, dark-skinned… etc .

And what about our favorite superheroes? Come on, don’t be shy, admit it that once in you life, you have secretly wished you had some power to teleport and travel through space and time. I want to have that power too, and been wondering like forever if that be ever possible.

We have seen some kids in school who were bullied and abused so bad by their ‘monster’  classmates, ‘evil’ neighborhood kids ; and cruel and mean step/and or biological parents . I bet these kids swore hard, wishing they were gifted with the power to transform into raging  and beastly characters such as the ones in those games today called Warcraft and the like.

Not a few kids, too, may have thought about having the ability to be fiery dragons,  spewing fire  to anyone who tries to make fun or hurt them.

It is just funny how we come so vivid, creating wild imagination in our heads like a giant LCD TV. But we get past that, we mature, we grow up and see things as they are and deal with them as realistically as possible.  And sadly though, some people never moved on and just remained stuck in their playland indefinetely.

I never did grow up to be like Barbie but I feel good about myself and the people around me.

And to the well-meaning ninja dragons out there, keep kicking asses and kill the bullies!

The Ficklest and the Fickle

Things happen so fast in this day and age that we try every bit and end to catch up. To the ambitious, it is a no-no to be left behind and it is mortal sin to let fresh opportunities pass under your nose. Mediocrity is boring and tends to be associated with the weak.

I’d like to believe  I am one of those ambitious few. New things fascinate me. Interesting connections  and new places to go spice up my fancy. But there is a downside in all of these.  I easily get overwhelmed with the hype of it all and the excitement is not sufficient to last. Simply put, most times I need that push to stay up there or I’ll surely fall back down.

I know it’s all about focus but sometimes my rather smart thinking tells me that acceptance won’t hurt. There are times that no matter how much you pull your hair out just to reach that something, you still get nothing.

I am not perfect and neither am I too intelligent but it doesn’t take much to simply let go of things that can never be. Maybe it is not yet meant to be now at the present, maybe it never is in the first place.

And so here I am, just savoring each day as it comes, still hopeful for some dreams to present themselves as reality. But duh, I’m not as uptight and fussy like before.

On the brighter side, I would  love pleasant surprises. That would definitely feel much better..

Never too late for something new

Ok, so this is a blog i just created in haste today. had a blog a few years back in relic social networking site we call Friendster( let’s face it~~ we all started from there till Facebook took the best of us around 2009~~ish). Posted a few blogs there and never bothered to create a new one maybe coz of  work, mafia, work, farmtown, work, etc. How reasonable, eh.

I don’t know what got into me. prolly coz a lot of people I know who are into writing are having the time of their lives posting what-nots  on the pages they call their very own.

Plus, FB and Twitter I think, have come overly saturated, that you think it diminishes the essence of a blog you want to come up. Not sure if I made a sense there. LOL.

I also realize a bit too late, that there must be some kind of a place where emotions and random thoughts are expressed exclusively. not side to side with some silly facebook game or a wall post of someone you barely know.

I’d only wish I won’t forget the password of this one.

For this blog, I propose some cheers. Oh yeah! 😀